Technical Events


"Keep calm and Plot your Escape"

In the bustling metropolis of Lumina City, a looming threat cast a shadow over its gleaming skyscrapers. The heart of the city, the Lumina Power Plant, stood on the brink of disaster.A diabolical villain known as Dr. Eclipse had infiltrated the plant's control room, intent on plunging the entire city into darkness. Your task is to solve a series of challenges and navigate through obstacles to enter the power plant, where you’ll face the ultimate challenge. As a specially chosen agents, its’s your mission enter the power plant, disarm the device, and save the city. You should encounter a series of problems to reach the power plant .
For Quries: Gokul M (8668146892)

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"Fueling the Spark of Innovation"

Are you ready to witness the future of innovation and technology? Join us at "Watt Matters: Electrical Excellence for SDG's" a thrilling project expo where creativity meets purpose. This event is your gateway to a world of groundbreaking projects, all with a mission to make a positive impact on our planet and society. At "Watt Matters," we believe that innovation can drive change and transform the world for the better. That's why we've gathered some of the brightest minds and innovators to showcase their projects that directly address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From Electrical and Electronics wonders to IoT marvels and Sensor-based innovations, our exhibitors are redefining what's possible.
For Quries: Abhijay Gopal S (9444915729)

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Adventure awaits, and treasures beckon. Let the hunt begin!"Join us for an exciting adventure that combines fun and learning! Our Expedition 17 for Sustainable Development is a unique event designed to raise awareness about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while enjoying a thrilling treasure hunt experience. We believe in making a positive impact, and this event is your chance to have fun while contributing to a better world. Its an exciting event to explore the SDGs in a treasure hunt! It's not just a treasure hunt, it's a mission to educate and inspire change. Are you ready to dive into the would of mystery, riddles, and hidden treasures?
For Quries: Balasakthishwaran M (7548829565)

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"Welcome to the future of flight! Get ready to soar into the world of drones, where innovation knows no limits. Air acrobat is an thrilling drone weight lifting event, agile unmanned aerial vehicles showcase their strength by lifting various weights within a specified distance. Spectators marvel at the precision and power of these flying machines as they navigate the challenge, all within a defined time frame, creating an exciting and futuristic competition. Get ready to be captivated by the limitless possibilities in unmanned aerial systems!"
For Quries: Sriram T (+919962408873)

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